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Assessment of Team

            The team has a strong background in Geomatics Engineering with specialized skills in Surveying Engineering and Geographical Information Systems. Early discussions and brainstorming revealed a diverse culture and background of the team members. Despite the common academia each team member brings a variety of work experiences. By allowing each team member to take on different possible roles and seeking help from other departments, the team aims to incorporate diverse academic opinions in design process of the project.


            The team acknowledges that for a good design it is imperative that each team member be given a sub-project in which he/she has independence and flexibility of thought and creativity. Each team member would then approach the relevant department(s) and resources to allow him/her to achieve the goals of the assigned sub-project.


            The team has limited experiences in computer network programming and computer vision; however, coordination with other departments, particularly the Computer Science and Earth and Space Science and Engineering department, will enable the necessary support and help needed to develop the cloud navigation system and the digital map.


            Strengths in theoretical understanding of triangulation and trilateration of signals is a major requirement for the project. Majority of team members are well equipped with necessary surveying engineering skills to address this particular need. Additional contacts in the GeoICT lab will be of value when addressing the problem of user positional lock.


            Members of the team have worked together, before, on several projects and possess necessary exposure of dealing with team dynamics. Additionally, the diverse work experiences and similar interest enable the team to work collectively and efficiently towards the final goal of the project.

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